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Fundraising challenges!

The Group is currently funded entirely by fundraising and donations together with membership and drivers fees. Costs vary, but two horses are owned and maintained by the Group and in 2017 vets fees, shoeing and general costs were nearly £2,500. Insurance for our equipment and public liability was £2,000 and repairs to carriages and equipment were nearly £2,000.  

These are our major costs although there are a number of miscellaneous costs to 'keep the show on the road'.

The Group is also actively seeking sponsors who might be prepared to give a medium term, regular, annual financial commitment to the Group or be prepared to sponsor on a one-off basis in particular to cover our base annual running costs to provide insurance and livery costs. However sponsorship for a range of smaller costs such as engraving trophies (£100) or transport to venues (£50 – £250) would be very welcome. Sponsors' generosity will be acknowledged as appropriate on the Group's web-site or in an appropriate way as agreed with sponsors. Without additional sponsor support the Group will struggle to continue to provide what we believe to be a valuable service to those with disabilities in Aberdeenshire. ​

Online donations can be made via the Virgin Giving website by clicking the button on the right.

We thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting our work. 

Great news we are currently one of the local charities supported by the Insch Co-op. Please help us by nominating us as your chosen charity

                                                               Scottish Charity No: SC 028644​​ (SCIO)


We are a member group of Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) which incorporates Carriage Driving


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